Light & Equity: A New Haven Walking Tour

OCT 11 at 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Downtown New Haven
Connecticut Green Building Council (CTGBC) in collaboration with Western New England chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society present a walking tour of downtown New Haven. Thoughtfully designed and regularly maintained lighting has an outsized impact on the nature of our built environment.
NESSBE 2023: Justice of Place

November 17, 2023, all day
Yale University
Energy and Environmental Justice in the Built Environment
NESSBE (Northeast Summit for a Sustainable Built Environment) is a biennial northeast regional summit meant to include a larger community of building professionals, owners, academics, policymakers, advocates, and students in a conversation about sustainability in the built environment.
Compartmentalization Air Sealing – Wood Framed

October 12 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Various certification programs, incentive programs, and local energy codes require blower door testing to confirm tightness of the building envelope along with individual dwelling units.